Publication of Optimized Password Lists

Publication of Optimized Password Lists

Monday, April 5, 2021

We are using a dedicated infrastructure to collect, import, and analyze leaked passwords. This system helps us to determine and alert customers affected by certain data breaches. It also supports us to do further analysis of password structrues, to understand motivations and decisions by users. Our password lists are available in our official GitHub repository. They are based on our statistical analysis and are an important part of our Red Teaming projects. The goal is to provide ideal password lists for targets with a specific cultural or technological background. The password lists are ordered by descending popularity. The most popular passwords of a dedicated group are on top of the list. We do only include passwords which were used by at least three different accounts to prevent highly unique or otherwise personally identifying passwords. All passwords are known to be leaked and available to the public. More information about statistical details will be available in our upcoming article.



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