
Marc Ruef

Head of Research

Marc Ruef has been working in information security since the late 1990s. In 1997 he founded, the most popular German-speaking board about computer security in the 90’s. When he was 18 years old his first book got published which discussed the security of Windows operating systems. More books about cybersecurity succeeded over the years. His most popular work is “The Art of Penetration Testing” which got released 2007 by a German publisher. Reprints of the book are sold even today. It discusses the professional approach to identify security vulnerabilities in computer systems, how to exploit and mitigate them. In the last 25 years he worked on 16 books, published more than 275 articles in seven different languages and gave more than 200 interviews. He is also a regular lecturer at multiple universities like ETH, HWZ, HSLU, and IKF. He is co-founder of the company scip AG in Zurich, which provides consulting services in the broad field of cybersecurity. He lead the Red Team for 12 years. In the meanwhile he is responsible for the research department which supports the other teams and does research for customers. Especially exotic projects like car hacking or medical device security are handled by the so called Titanium Team. Their work is well-known worldwide as they have coordinated the disclosure of severe security issues in cars by Mercedes and different x-ray devices for example.

His Profiles














News about him (German)

Interview auf 20 Minuten zu AI Minions

Interview auf 20 Minuten zu AI Minions

Interview in Suisse Digital

Interview in Suisse Digital - Fokus Cybersecurity

Interview auf 20 Minuten über Trolling

Interview auf 20 Minuten über Trolling

Betrug via Booking-Chat

Betrug via Booking-Chat: Stellungnahme auf 20 Minuten

über die Nutzung von Daten aus dem Darknet

über die Nutzung von Daten aus dem Darknet - Artikel auf

Einschätzung auf 20  Minuten zu den Vorfällen im Libanon

Einschätzung auf 20 Minuten zu den Vorfällen im Libanon

Expertenkommentar auf 20 Minuten

Expertenkommentar auf 20 Minuten

Gespräch im KI-Podcast "Prompt Zero" von Blick

Gespräch im KI-Podcast "Prompt Zero" von Blick

Vortrag zu Cybersecurity und KI an Inside IT-Event

Vortrag zu Cybersecurity und KI an Inside IT-Event

Interview zum Crowdstrike-Ausfall für

Interview zum Crowdstrike-Ausfall für

Globale IT-Panne bei Crowdstrike

Globale IT-Panne bei Crowdstrike: Interview

Cyberangriffe gegen Spitäler keine Seltenheit mehr

Cyberangriffe gegen Spitäler keine Seltenheit mehr: Interview in

Recent Articles by Him

scip Cybersecurity Forecast

scip Cybersecurity Forecast - Predictions for 2025

Specific Criticism of CVSS4

Specific Criticism of CVSS4 - What is not going to be better

scip Cybersecurity Forecast

scip Cybersecurity Forecast - Predictions for 2024

Voice Authentication

Voice Authentication - Risks of the Biometric Approach

Bug Bounty

Bug Bounty - Challenge for Companies

Breach and Leak

Breach and Leak - Guilt and Atonement of Affected Companies

Modern Chatbots

Modern Chatbots - Advanced Dangers and Risks

scip Cybersecurity Forecast

scip Cybersecurity Forecast - Predictions for 2023

Home Automation

Home Automation - The Way to a Fully Automated House

Cyber War

Cyber War - How Technology wins Wars

scip Cybersecurity Forecast

scip Cybersecurity Forecast – Predictions for 2022

Ransomware Detection, Defense, and Analysis

Ransomware Detection, Defense, and Analysis

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