
Marisa Tschopp


Marisa Tschopp is a researcher at scip AG, Ambassador and Chief Research Officer at Women in AI NPO, and Co-Chair of the IEEE Trust and Agency in AI Systems committee. She researches AI from a psychological perspective, addressing a variety of questions about psychological phenomena with a particular interest in ethical implications. Her research focuses on trust, performance measurement of conversational AI (A-IQ), agency, leadership, and issues of gender equality in AI. As an organizational psychologist, she has experience in social and educational settings and studied and taught at various universities in Germany, Canada and Switzerland. She has published various media articles, book chapters and essays and is a frequent speaker at conferences and events (including TEDx) worldwide. Marisa holds a Master’s degree in Psychology of Excellence in Business and Education from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, and a BA degree in Business Psychology with a focus on market and consumer psychology. As an associate researcher in the Social Processes Lab at the Leibniz Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM), she investigates the perceived relationships between humans and machines.

Her Profiles






News about her (German)

Künstliche Intelligenz als Freund

Künstliche Intelligenz als Freund: Beitrag in SRF Einstein

Poster-Beitrag an der Interactions with language-based AI-Konferenz

Poster-Beitrag an der Interactions with language-based AI-Konferenz

Stimmen in der Werbewoche zum KI Event

Stimmen in der Werbewoche zum KI Event: Die Kraft der Unzufriedenheit

Wieso Menschen dazu tendieren, KI zu vermenschlichen

Wieso Menschen dazu tendieren, KI zu vermenschlichen

European Chatbot & Conversational Generative AI Summit

European Chatbot & Conversational Generative AI Summit

Die Kraft der Unzufriedenheit

Die Kraft der Unzufriedenheit: KI Event

KI in den Sozialen Medien

KI in den Sozialen Medien: Beitrag auf

Vorlesung zu Experimental Learning Labs

Vorlesung zu Experimental Learning Labs

Digital Food Business Week 2024 mit Marisa Tschopp

Digital Food Business Week 2024 mit Marisa Tschopp

Podcast in Pondering AI

Podcast in Pondering AI: Mensch-Maschine Interaktion mit Marisa Tschopp

AI Encounter

AI Encounter: Experimentell-spielerische Begegnungen mit KI

NZZ Podiumsdiskussion

NZZ Podiumsdiskussion: AI in der Anwendung mit Marisa Tschopp

Recent Articles by Her

Human and AI Art

Human and AI Art - Personal reflections on my AI art creations

Conversational Commerce

Conversational Commerce: The rise of artificial sales agents

ChatGPT & Co.

ChatGPT & Co. - Conversational Abilities of Large Language Models

TEDxBoston Countdown to AGI

TEDxBoston Countdown to AGI - Insights from the event

About M3gan

About M3gan - Human-AI friendship between fiction and reality

Trust Paradox

Trust Paradox - Exploring Paradoxical Behavior in Human-AI Interaction

Conversational AI

Conversational AI - More than Just a Tool?

Vulnerability of Humans and Machines

Vulnerability of Humans and Machines - A Paradigm Shift

Human and Machine Agency

Human and Machine Agency - Power to Whom

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence - No Trust, no Use?

Diversify AI

Diversify AI - Switzerland wants more Diversity in AI


Anthropomorphism - Why we see the human in nonhuman agents

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