Submit #323597: PHPGurukul Doctor Appointment Management System 1.0 Insecure direct object references(IDOR)info

TitlePHPGurukul Doctor Appointment Management System 1.0 Insecure direct object references(IDOR)
DescriptionThe Doctor Appointment Management System suffers from an IDOR vulnerability, allowing unauthorized users to access and manipulate appointments assigned to different doctors without proper authorization. Exploitation of this flaw could lead to the compromise of sensitive user information and poses a significant security risk to the application. Urgent action is needed to address this vulnerability and ensure the security of the system.
UserSoSPiro (ID 67134)
Submission04/27/2024 08:20 (19 days ago)
Moderation04/27/2024 08:39 (20 minutes later)
VulDB Entry262226

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