Exotic Lily Analysis

IOB - Indicator of Behavior (7)


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The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.


The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.


Business-DNA Solutions TopEase Platform2
Qualcomm Snapdragon Auto2
Qualcomm Snapdragon Connectivity2
Qualcomm Snapdragon Consumer IOT2

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Campaigns (1)

These are the campaigns that can be associated with the actor:

  • BumbleBee

IOC - Indicator of Compromise (1)

These indicators of compromise highlight associated network ressources which are known to be part of research and attack activities.

IDIP addressHostnameActorCampaignsIdentifiedTypeConfidence LilyBumbleBee03/18/2022verifiedHigh

TTP - Tactics, Techniques, Procedures (2)

Tactics, techniques, and procedures summarize the suspected MITRE ATT&CK techniques used. This data is unique as it uses our predictive model for actor profiling.

IDTechniqueClassVulnerabilitiesAccess VectorTypeConfidence
1T1059.007CAPEC-209CWE-79Cross Site ScriptingpredictiveHigh
2TXXXXCAPEC-108CWE-XXXxx XxxxxxxxxpredictiveHigh

References (2)

The following list contains external sources which discuss the actor and the associated activities:

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