Php Web Vulnerabilities


The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.


The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.


PHP Web WebYep22
PHP Web Statistik6
Php Web Scripts Dynamic Photo Gallery2
Php Web Scripts Ad Manager Pro2
PHP Web Scripts Easy Banner Free2

The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.


Official Fix0
Temporary Fix0
Not Defined10

The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.


Not Defined8

The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.

Access Vector

Not Defined0

The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.


Not Defined0

The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.

User Interaction

Not Defined0

The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.

C3BM Index

The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.

CVSSv3 Base


The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.

CVSSv3 Temp


The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.



The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.



The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.



The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.



The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.



The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.

Exploit 0-day


The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.

Exploit Today


The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.

Exploit Market Volume

The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.

🔴 CTI Activities

The data in this chart does not reflect real data. It is dummy data, distorted and not usable in any way. You need an additional purchase to unlock this view to get access to more details of real data.

Affected Products (7): Ad Manager Pro (2), Dynamic Photo Gallery (1), Easy Banner Free (1), Link Up Gold (2), Php Web Explorer Lite (1), Statistik (6), WebYep (20)

10/08/20089.88.6PHP Web Explorer Php Web Explorer Lite main.php path traversalProgramming Language SoftwareUnprovenUnavailable0.017080.00CVE-2008-4499
03/05/20087.36.9Php Web Scripts Dynamic Photo Gallery album.php sql injectionPhoto Gallery SoftwareProof-of-ConceptNot Defined0.000810.00CVE-2008-1162
10/09/20067.36.6PHP Web WebYep WYShortTextElement.php privileges managementProgramming Language SoftwareProof-of-ConceptUnavailable0.272550.00CVE-2006-5220
10/09/20067.36.6PHP Web WebYep WYMenuElement.php privileges managementProgramming Language SoftwareProof-of-ConceptUnavailable0.272550.00CVE-2006-5220
10/09/20067.36.6PHP Web WebYep WYLoopElement.php privileges managementProgramming Language SoftwareProof-of-ConceptUnavailable0.272550.00CVE-2006-5220
10/09/20067.36.4PHP Web WebYep WYLongTextElement.php privileges managementProgramming Language SoftwareProof-of-ConceptUnavailable0.272550.00CVE-2006-5220
10/09/20067.36.4PHP Web WebYep WYLogonButtonElement.php privileges managementProgramming Language SoftwareProof-of-ConceptUnavailable0.272550.00CVE-2006-5220
10/09/20067.36.4PHP Web WebYep WYImageElement.php privileges managementProgramming Language SoftwareProof-of-ConceptUnavailable0.272550.00CVE-2006-5220
10/09/20067.36.4PHP Web WebYep WYGuestbookElement.php privileges managementProgramming Language SoftwareProof-of-ConceptUnavailable0.272550.00CVE-2006-5220
10/09/20067.36.6PHP Web WebYep WYGalleryElement.php privileges managementProgramming Language SoftwareProof-of-ConceptUnavailable0.272550.05CVE-2006-5220

23 more entries are not shown

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