Audit in a OS X System

Audit in a OS X System

Rocco Gagliardi
by Rocco Gagliardi
time to read: 17 minutes

A Mac is a Mac and it works. In front of a Macbook Retina you feel comfortable, as long as you’re in the OS X flow.


But what happens behind the beautiful sunset in Yosemite? Are the actions of a user or an application logged? Can you use OS X in certified environments where a full audit is a requirement?

The Problem

In OS X, you can fire up the and take a look at the various logfiles created per default by the system; if you have super-user permissions, you may access the protected systems’ logfiles, and take a look at authd or other specific logs in the ASL (Apple System Log facility).

But that is just logging, and is it not enough in a certified environment. In certified environments, auditing is required.

An auditing infrastructure, on the other hand, reports each instance of certain low-level events, regardless of which program caused the event to occur. – Security Log, Part 1: Experience with Log Management – What is a log

Security auditing involves recognising, recording, storing, and analysing information related to security relevant activities. The resulting audit records can be examined to determine which security relevant activities took place and whom (which user) is responsible for them. – Common Criteria, Class Family Audit: Security Audit

The audit problem was faced by Apple with OS X Panther (10.3.6, 2004), when the Desktop and Server version have been submitted to the NIAP for Common Criteria certification. Common Criteria is an internationally approved set of security standards, and provides a clear and reliable evaluation of the security capabilities of Information Technology products. Security-conscious customers are requiring Common Criteria certification as a determining factor in purchasing decisions.

The Solution

In 2004, Apple released new piece of software: openBSM. This software was created by McAfee Research, the security research division of McAfee, Inc., under contract to Apple Computer Inc. Additional authors include Wayne Salamon, Robert Watson, and SPARTA Inc. The Basic Security Module (BSM) interface to audit records and audit event stream format were defined by Sun Microsystems. For Credits, check the complete list.

At the same time, Common Criteria Configuration and Administration Guide was released to help security administrators to properly configure the OS.

For old people, BSM sounds not really new: it is the Solaris Basic Security Module, a tool created by Sun Microsystems to achieve the DoD C2-Level certification for Solaris 2.5.1 in 1996. The tool can trace every sys call, intercepting the execution on every process running on the system, store the information in a binary format and report as needed.

OpenBSM: What Is Logged Where

The main configuration file for auditing is /etc/security/audit_control, in this file we set which classes of events we want to generate audit records for and where we want those records to go.

The default configuration installed on Yosemite /etc/security/audit_control

# $P4: //depot/projects/trustedbsd/openbsm/etc/audit_control#8 $

Some parameters are self-explanatory; for a complete reference, look at the audit_control(5) manual page. The following parameters are interesting:

Parameter Description
flags Specifies which audit event classes are audited for all users. audit_user(5) describes how to audit events for individual users
naflags Contains the audit flags that define what classes of events are audited when an action cannot be attributed to a specific user
policy A list of global audit policy flags specifying various behaviours, such as fail stop, auditing of paths and arguments, etc.

What can be audited is specified with flags parameter. Following table lists which event class can be audited:

Code Class Class description
0×00000000 no invalid class
0×00000001 fr file read
0×00000002 fw file write
0×00000004 fa file attribute access
0×00000008 fm file attribute modify
0×00000010 fc file create
0×00000020 fd file delete
0×00000040 cl file close
0×00000080 pc process
0×00000100 nt network
0×00000200 ip ipc
0×00000400 na non attributable
0×00000800 ad administrative
0×00001000 lo login_logout
0×00002000 aa authentication and authorization
0×00004000 ap application
0×20000000 io ioctl
0×40000000 ex exec
0×80000000 ot miscellaneous
0xffffffff all all flags set

The Audit Policy Flags specifies how the system should react to some events or how many details should be logged:

Policy Flag Description
cnt Allow processes to continue running even though events are not being audited. If not set, processes will be suspended when the audit store space is exhausted. Currently, this is not a recoverable state.
ahlt Fail stop the system if unable to audit an event – this consists of first draining pending records to disk, and then halting the operating system.
argv Audit command line arguments to execve(2).
arge Audit environmental variable arguments to execve(2).
seq Include a unique audit sequence number token in generated audit records (not implemented on FreeBSD or Darwin).
group Include supplementary groups list in generated audit records (not implemented on FreeBSD or Darwin; supplementary groups are never included in records on these systems).
trail Append a trailer token to each audit record (not implemented on FreeBSD or Darwin; trailers are always included in records on these systems).
path Include secondary file paths in audit records (not implemented on FreeBSD or Darwin; secondary paths are never included in records on these systems).
zonename Include a zone ID token with each audit record (not implemented on FreeBSD or Darwin; FreeBSD audit records do not currently include the jail ID or name).
perzone Enable auditing for each local zone (not implemented on FreeBSD or Darwin; on FreeBSD, audit records are collected from all jails and placed in a single global trail, and only limited audit controls are permitted within a jail).

Which Systems Be Audited?

All of them! That’s the default answer. In this case you will collect all information generated by the system. But this collection has a considerable impact on the system itself:

On a server system, the policy must be tuned to balance security and availability requirements.

A recommended minimum set of classes is: lo, ad, na. This includes:

openBSM Audit System from a CC Perspective

FAU_ARP: Security Audit Automatic Response

The TSF shall list actions upon detection of a potential security violation. The openBSM package has a tool called auditfilterd but, by default, isn’t compiled and installed on OS X because it has never left the experimental state.

In any case, the source code is available and, with some fixes, it should be possible to run on OS X and play around with live log.

Another method to react live to events is to hook on the /dev/auditpipe.

Run praudit on /dev/auditpipe to live decode the audit log.

rcc@mpb~$ sudo praudit /dev/auditpipe
header,88,11,SecSrvr AuthEngine,0,Tue Dec 16 11:20:06 2014, + 119 msec
text,begin evaluation

Run the auditreduce to filter records. Results are still in binary and must be converted using praudit.

rcc@mpb~$ sudo auditreduce -cfd /dev/auditpipe
T:I#O/Users/rcc/Library/Application Support

Run the praudit to convert the binary record in human-readable format.

rcc@mpb~$ sudo auditreduce -cfd /dev/auditpipe | praudit
header,311,11,rename(2),0,Tue Dec 16 11:26:48 2014, + 572 msec
path,/Users/rcc/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Session/.dat29f8.0b3
path,/Users/rcc/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Session/.dat29f8.0b3
path,/Users/rcc/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Session/Info.plist


Auditing is important for two reasons:

  1. Regular analysis of logs gives us an early warning of suspicious activity
  2. If stored securely, log-analysis can provide the evidence required to find out what went wrong when a breach in the security policy occurs.

There are other areas where auditing helps as well, such as analysis of our security policies for correct implementation, as well as debugging auditing that can report pertinent information to our security model.

openBSM provides an auditing system available as part of the core OS X.

The security event auditing facility is able to generate very detailed logs of system activity. On a busy system, trail file data can be very large when configured for high detail, exceeding gigabytes a week in some configurations. Administrators should take into account the disk space requirements associated with high volume audit configurations.

En Passant

During the research, a LoL boundary check popped up: openbsm/sys/bsm/audit_kevents.h

 * The reserved event numbers for kernel events are 1...2047 and 43001..44900.
#define     AUE_IS_A_KEVENT(e)     (((e) > 0 && (e) < 2048) ||      \
                         ((e) > 43000 && (e) < 45000))

However, the problem is in the comment not in the code, as stated in file openbsm/etc/audit_event:

# Allocation of BSM event identifier ranges:
# 0                    Reserved and invalid
# 1     - 2047         Reserved for Solaris kernel events
# 2048  - 5999         Reserved and unallocated
# 6000  - 9999         Reserved for Solaris user events
# 10000 - 32767        Reserved and unallocated
# 32768 - 65535        Available for third party applications
# Of the third party range, OpenBSM allocates from the following ranges:
# 43000 - 44999        Reserved for OpenBSM kernel events
# 45000 - 46999        Reserved for OpenBSM application events

About the Author

Rocco Gagliardi

Rocco Gagliardi has been working in IT since the 1980s and specialized in IT security in the 1990s. His main focus lies in security frameworks, network routing, firewalling and log management.


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