Vortrag zu Vertrauen in AI an Swiss Cyber Storm

Vortrag zu Vertrauen in AI an Swiss Cyber Storm

Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2022

Am 25. Oktober 2022 findet im Kursaal Bern die Swiss Cyber Storm statt, eine seit langem etablierte Sicherheitskonferenz, die die IT-Sicherheitsagenda für die Schweiz bestimmt. Unter dem Hauptthema Digital Identities and How to Secure Them, wird Marisa Tschopp einen Vortrag mit dem Titel In AI We Trust? halten. Tickets für den Event sind online erhältlich.


Artificial intelligence has found its way into our everyday lives in a more or less conspicuous way, whether through smart speakers, facial recognition, or the TV program and music selection, all promising the maximum potential for us humans. But in addition to the complex technical and legal challenges associated with developing and deploying AI systems, there is another challenge: humans. Humans have a remarkable tendency to humanize non-human entities from deities to chatbots, that is why we cannot help but treat these digital entities as social actors. This comes with a plethora of opportunities, like more efficient user interaction but also challenges, like manipulating users by humanized design. This is one reason, why “trustworthy AI” is on a rise and debated across the globe. Despite the plethora of expert guidance on the development and implementation of “trustworthy AI,” there is still a surprising amount of disagreement about what constitutes user trust in AI – is it the same as trust in a human? Can we, do we or should we trust AI, just like we place our trust in humans? Moreover, the topic of overtrust is also widely neglected. Since the level of trust influences how users interact with technology, overtrust and over-reliance as subsequent behavior – leads to a faulty human-automation relationship: like the Tesla Driver Walter, who unfortunately died as he trusted the “auto-pilot” so much, eventually hitting a barrier, crashing with two other vehicles. It is long overdue that we talk about how to develop an appropriate level of trust for better and safer interactions with non-human agents, which are after all – just man-made machines.



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