Blog Digest November 2020

Blog Digest November 2020

Der Cybersecurity Winter kommt

Marc Ruef
von Marc Ruef
Lesezeit: 5 Minuten

Der scip Blog Digest ist eine Ende des Monats erscheinende Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten, spannendsten und verrücktesten Beiträge aus der internationalen Blogosphäre. Mit der Durchsicht dieser Postings wird es einfach und unkompliziert möglich, in Bezug auf Entwicklungen im Bereich Cybersecurity und Research auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben. Folgen Sie unserem Team auf 𝕏 und dem Unternehmen auf LinkedIn, um jeweils die aktuellsten News zu erhalten.

inline skates black orange

20 years of CGISecurity: What appsec looked like in the year 2000

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23,600 hacked databases have leaked from a defunct ‘data breach index’ site

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AI pioneer Geoff Hinton: ‘Deep learning is going to be able to do everything’

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Apple is lobbying against a bill aimed at stopping forced labor in China

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Apple Watch Forensics Reloaded

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Artificial intelligence model detects asymptomatic Covid-19 infections through cellphone-recorded coughs

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Belgian security researchers from KU Leuven and imec demonstrate serious flaws in Tesla Model X keyless entry system

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Biden Team Lacks Full U.S. Cybersecurity Support in Transition Fracas

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CNAs and CVEs – Can allowing vendors to assign their own vulnerability IDs actually hinder security?

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Federal cybersecurity agency calls election ‘most secure in American history’

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Firefox 83 introduces HTTPS-Only Mode

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Leap second hiatus

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LidarPhone attack converts smart vacuums into microphones

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Lockdown has affected your memory – here’s why

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Marriott fined 18.4 million by UK watchdog over customer data breach

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Meet the Microsoft Pluton processor – The security chip designed for the future of Windows PCs

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Microsoft says three APTs have targeted seven COVID-19 vaccine makers

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More voting software FUD falls flat after Trump highlights dubious data

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Mysterious Bugs Were Used to Hack iPhones and Android Phones and No One Will Talk About It

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NAT Slipstreaming

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New Zoom feature can alert room owners of possible Zoombombing disruptions

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Programmable Filament Gives Even Simple 3D Printers Multi-Material Capabilities

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Silk Road bitcoins worth $1bn change hands after seven years

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Sorry, Elon: Mars is not a legal vacuum – and it’s not yours, either

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The source code for Watch Dogs Legion has been leaked, weighs around 560GB

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Trump will lose protected Twitter status after his presidency

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US voters targeted with robocalls telling them to stay home or vote tomorrow

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What’s all this about Europe wanting crypto backdoors?

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Why Paying to Delete Stolen Data is Bonkers

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Windows 10, iOS, Chrome, and many others fall at China’s top hacking contest

Über den Autor

Marc Ruef

Marc Ruef ist seit Ende der 1990er Jahre im Cybersecurity-Bereich aktiv. Er hat vor allem im deutschsprachigen Raum aufgrund der Vielzahl durch ihn veröffentlichten Fachpublikationen und Bücher – dazu gehört besonders Die Kunst des Penetration Testing – Bekanntheit erlangt. Er ist Dozent an verschiedenen Fakultäten, darunter ETH, HWZ, HSLU und IKF. (ORCID 0000-0002-1328-6357)

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Konkrete Kritik an CVSS4

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Voice Authentisierung

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Marc Ruef

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